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Our Strongest Bonds!

I’ve been back and forth lately-the days are just flying by and I often go about my routine feeling as if I’m in a daze.  But as I mentioned before I’m getting adjusted to what I call our ‘new normal.’

I don’t say anymore that my boys are in school-we have a son in the US Navy, and boy are we proud.

Roy’s always been proud of the boys, and he’s never shied away from telling them, but I’m seeing a new side of him with Joe’s leaving here!  And it’s wonderful to see.

What I’m also finding out is the ways we mothers get attached to our children and mothering them.

When Joe left, Roy found a few websites for me-support groups if you will, for Navy moms/dads/SO’s/family members.  And I see a recurring theme among the many posts-our kids are the people we have the strongest bond in the world too, and them leaving is hard.

And so, I thought about it. Parents are rabid to find out every single little detail-from when they can call home to the brand of underwear they are issued (no, I’m not kidding about that). They want to know it ALL, and then some.

And a part of me gets it-I miss Joe too, more than anything I want to see our son, but I also know that this is what happens. We raise our kids and  do our best to give them a strong foundation, the ability to stand on their own two feet and the knowledge that THEY mean something in this world. But they can’t stay in school forever-at some point we have to let them go and trust we did the best we could.

And I wonder-would we want the same level of detail if say our kids were…accountants?  Would we want to know every little detail of their day and how many people did they help with their taxes?  What if they are stay at home parents-would we want them to account for every minute of every day?

And that led me to my next train of thought-are our kids our most important/strongest bond in this world?

Our kids mean the world to us-Roy and I adore our boys and tell them so freely, and yet if I sit here and think about it, if I look at my life-my strongest bond is the one I share with Roy.

I expect the boys to grow up and leave the nest. To find their own way down this path we call life, to navigate the world and make their mark. I expect them to have jobs, love interests, and families. I expect them to have interests outside of the one’s we share as a family.

But as a wife-I don’t expect my husband to pick up one day and tell me it’s time for him to go-sure it might happen. If it didn’t our country wouldn’t have the divorce rate it does, but I don’t actively PLAN for it. I do, at some point with the boys, start to plan their leaving home.

We knew Joe wanted to enlist and once he did so, we had a date he would be gone.

Corey is close to making a decision-be it enlisting in the Navy or finishing up his Bachelor’s degree, chances are he will be moving on soon as well.

Addi is a Sophomore and has expressed an interest in enlisting as well. Something tell me he will do as Joe did and once he finishes up his Junior year will start exploring his options and then picking a branch.

As for the younger boys-time is flying by faster than I wish as a mother.

And so, as Roy likes to tell me, there will come a day when I wake up in the morning and my only responsibility will be to him, our home and myself. No more lunches to make or give out money for. No more fights over the last bit of Cocoa Krispies to mediate. It will just be he and I-together.

And if the people I have the strongest bond with are gone, what would become of me? Would I become the mother people laugh at in comedies-the one that calls their son 15 times a day just to chat?

I’ll always be a mom, no matter what happens, but there will come a day when my role as a mother will take on a more passive (for lack of a better word) role, and I don’t want to be left floundering.

No, my strongest bond is with the man I chose to spend my life with, the man that raises our children at my side.

family Kids Navy parenting
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